Bar Code Integrators, Inc. offers industry-leading bar code label software. We provide off-the-shelf label printing software packages and custom software to run on a variety of platforms. These solutions can be standalone or enterprise-wide implementations. Bar Code Integrators, Inc. has over 19 years of experience providing label printing software solutions for compliance labeling and other customers’ specifications.

Teklynx IDEAM
Data Collection Application Development Software for Mobile Computing and Mobile Enterprise Applications

Teklynx Label Archive
LABEL ARCHIVE provides a traceability layer for the label design and printing process, complete with archiving, approval, print history, and security for bar code and RFID label design in production environments.

Teklynx Pocket LabelView
Pocket LABELVIEW is a powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use Pocket PC-based solution for bar code label printing. It allows you to take labels created in LABELVIEW bar code label design and printing software, download them to your Pocket PC and print them using a direct or wireless connection.

Teklynx Sentinel
Add label printing to your existing system! SENTINEL seamlessly runs in the background of your system as a low-maintenance program and gives you the ability to centrally print on hundreds of printers all at the same time.

Teklynx Pocket Label Matrix
Pocket LABEL MATRIX is a powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use Pocket PC-based solution for printing bar code labels.

XML Label
XMLReady printers from Intermec provide an easy way to bar code enable your Oracle MSCA/WMS, SAP Auto-ID infrastructure, or other compatible systems. Lowers the Total Cost of Ownership, by bypassing middleware, as printers are ready for XML printing out-of-the-box.

NiceLabel Print Center
Local design and printing clients provide the expected access limitations and security. Workstation labeling activity is centrally logged and managed, providing environments that require label printing on local platforms with the management benefits of server-based systems.

Teklynx LabelNet
LABELNET is a user-friendly, configurable web interface that controls workflow access to production labels and the ability to print from network-accessible workstations.

ERPLabel for mySAP Business Suite
ERPLabel™ from Intermec provides an easy way to add local or remote barcode label printing to mySAP Business Suite. As a “plug-in” software module for Intermec’s LabelShop® PRO, ERPLabel adds the interface for mySAP Business Suite systems. ERPLabel creates label files that are imported into SAPscript® and can be used without any further actions or editing.

NiceWatch Enterprise
NiceWatch Enterprise is a server-based application that can automate your label printing operations without changing your current applications.

Teklynx LabelView
Powerful Label Design and Integration Software for Beginners All the Way Up to Advanced Users. TEKLYNX LABELVIEW – bar code label software. Design bar code labels and integrate your bar code label printing system into existing systems with unmatched power and flexibility.

Teklynx CodeSoft
Completely redesigned and easier to use, CODESOFT 9 advanced label design and integration software offers unmatched flexibility, power, and worldwide support – making it the best choice for label printing in enterprise environments.

Whether you need to design and print barcode, compliance, or RFID labels, LABEL MATRIX 8’s helpful design wizards give you an easy-to-use solution for any industry. LABEL MATRIX 8 is the most powerful, easy-to-use RFID and label design software package in the industry.

BarTender is the leading true Windows bar code label software program. This professional label design and bar code software tool has powerful features for compliance labels and integration with enterprise software.

Intermec LabelShop
LabelShop is excellent bar code label design software developed by Intermec which guides users through the label design and printing process allowing for quick and easy in-house label printing procedures.

Intellitrack Package Track
ZebraDesigner Pro bar code label design software transforms complex label design into a simple process. With the latest release of ZebraDesigner Pro, v2, Zebra has made it even easier and more efficient to design and print labels.

NiceLabel Express
This software is perfect for entry-level professional label design. Express includes many design elements from the professional version with a focus on simplified user interaction. NiceLabel Express has limited support for variable fields and external data import functions.

NiceLabel Suite
Nicelabel Suite is fully-featured, modular label design software for multiple integrations and professional printing requirements.

NiceLabel Pro
NiceLabel Pro is advanced bar code and RFID label design software developed by Niceware International. NiceLabel Pro includes complete database support, document, and user security, as well as multiple integration options.