Bar code and RFID data collection is getting a lot of attention in the healthcare industry.
These advanced technologies can assist healthcare providers by ensuring accuracy in wound care management, medication delivery, patient tracking and more.

Clinical Transportation Mangagement
Clinical Perform lab tracking software automates your workflow and gives you 360-degree control over your operations – enabling you to better serve your customers and reduce the time and cost associated with doing it.

Medical Equipment Distribution
Airclic’s Care Perform® is a medical equipment distribution management solution that replaces paper-based pick-up and delivery processes with digital manifests on a period of devices. This enables drivers to complete and document critical tasks electronically and provides back office managers with real-time visibility into the healthcare distribution process.

Medication Administration
Automated Medication Administration solutions allow nursing staff to increase accuracy, improve efficiency, reduce costs, and eliminate medical errors by automating the medication distribution process.

Healthcare RFID
In the healthcare field, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and other medical facilities are employing RFID to improve patient safety, increase asset utilization with real-time tracking, boost revenue with automated billing and reduce medical errors using track and trace applications.

HIPAA Wireless Compliance
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), defines rules and requirements that health care providers must follow in order to protect their patients’ medical records. These requirements apply to both administrative components and technical aspects of a wireless (RF) system.

Patient Tracking
Patient tracking systems or health management systems ensure that the right patient is always matched with the right medical history, medications, and doctor’s instructions.

Wound Care Management
WoundRounds integrates proprietary software with mobile devices and Internet technologies to create affordable, point-of-care documentation and wound management software perfect for Long Term Care Facilities and Pressure Ulcer Management.

Automated Patient Check-In Period
Automated Patient Check-In improves practice efficiency by eliminating errors and time-consuming paper shuffling during the patient registration process. These solutions allow patients to independently check in, update insurance information and accept or decline consent forms.

Lab Sample Software Tracking
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the supply chain infrastructure for lab sample collection and tracking systems was unable to meet skyrocketing demands. Even today, as we move towards the development and distribution of a vaccine, the systems in place can’t handle the…