For full details regarding our RF site survey services

The design phase of an RF network involves a wireless site survey of the premises to determine access point/port placement by measuring signal propagation. Occasionally the facility involved is unavailable. In these situations, BCI can provide virtual RF site survey services as a substitute for an On-site Wireless Site Survey.

A BCI engineer can conduct a virtual RF site survey to determine the number and location of access points. Virtual site surveys are conducted using a CAD drawing of the facility combined with information concerning racking locations and product makeup. This allows our engineers to estimate access point mounting locations and complete the facility planning as quickly as possible, thereby freeing up resources for other tasks.

More details regarding our RF site survey services can be found on our website

A BCI engineer will conduct a virtual RF site survey to determine the number and location of Access Points. A CAD drawing of the facility combined with facility information concerning racking locations and product makeup is used to estimate Access Point mounting locations. This allows facility planning to be completed as quickly as possible freeing up resources for other tasks.

Common Reasons for a Virtual Site Survey

A virtual RF site survey can be just as effective as a live on-site survey. In some situations, a virtual survey is actually the preferred service. A few of the more common reasons for virtual surveys include: New Construction – Facility is not built or is currently under construction. Prior to Ownership – The building is still occupied by the previous tenant. Remote Location – The cost to travel to the site is too high or it’s difficult to reach.

With the help of BCI’s engineers, you don’t have to wait to begin planning a wireless network that will work perfectly for your facility. Start the process today by scheduling a virtual RF site survey.

What to Expect During a Virtual RF Site Survey

We’re able to carry out virtual surveys by utilizing sophisticated RF simulation software. Below is an overview of what you can expect during a virtual RF site survey. Our engineers will:

Plan RF networks in advance of having access to the facility. Provide efficient start-up for new facilities. Ensure your wireless network is safe and secure. Estimate the optimal number and location of access points/ports. Specify hardware, configurations, antenna placement, and cabling details. Once your BCI engineer completes the virtual RF site survey they can discuss details with you in person or over the phone.

Contact BCI today to discuss how we can help you meet wireless needs with a virtual RF site survey.