Stay-Linked Administrator for Advanced Terminal Session Management
Advanced Terminal Session Management (ATSM)
An integral part of the Stay-Linked solution is the Stay-Linked Administrator, a powerful GUI-based console that can be installed on any network-connected Windows-based computer.
Any network-connected Windows-based computer can access the password-protected Administrator and can manage the same host-based terminal sessions the end user is seeing on his screen. Flawlessly.
The Stay-Linked Administrator allows Advanced Terminal Session Management (ATSM), with the following features and functionality (click for more info):
- Monitor, Take Control, Share, Transfer, or Partner wireless terminal user sessions
- Send text messages to wireless terminal users
- Send files to/retrieve files from wireless terminal devices
- Automated client software deployment to wireless terminal devices
- Re-boot wireless terminal devices
- Re-start client software on wireless terminal devices
- Execute commands or run remote programs on wireless terminal devices
- Run “Radio Stats” and “Echo Test” diagnostics on wireless terminal devices
- Configure and enforce wireless terminal settings and session behavior
- Stay-Linked API to control wireless terminals from end-user applications